Drogi czytelniku, reklamy online umożliwiają nam dostarczanie dziennikarstwa, na którym się cenisz. Proszę, popieraj nam przez chwilę, aby wyłączyć Adblock. Czytelnik, reklamy online umożliwiają nam dostarczenie dziennikarstwa, którego cenisz. Prosimy o wsparcie, poświęcając chwilę, aby wyłączyć Adblock on. Dear czytelnik, proszę, uaktualnij do najnowszej wersji IE, aby mieć lepsze doświadczenia w czytaniu. Dzisiaj Paper. KARACHI, 19 lutego Handel hurtowy detalicznymi i hurtowymi rynkami towarowymi był nudny we wtorek, dzień po ankietach, gdy naród zwalił się westchnienie ulgi w wyborach pokojowych, które uważano za wolne, sprawiedliwe i przejrzyste. Liderzy rynku przywiązują rzeczywisty handel pomiędzy 25-50% normalnej wielkości pierwszego dnia po wyborach powszechnych. Powiedzieli, że to z powodu cienkiej obecności nabywcy, którzy dokonali ostrożnego zakupu istotnych przedmiotów przynajmniej na tydzień przed lutym 18. Liczba konsumentów zakupiła przedmioty, zwłaszcza mąki i inne istotne elementy przed wyborami, w obawie przed przemocą a po wyborach w połączeniu z obawami o zamknięcie rynku Handlowcy również zwracają uwagę na ostatnie wyniki wyborów, z niecierpliwością oczekują na powstanie rządu. Nieruchomy sekretarz Karachi Retail Grocers Grupa KRGG Mohammad Farid Qureishi powiedział, że tylko 25 procent biznesu został zarejestrowany we wtorek, ponieważ większość detalicznych rynków towarowych pozostała bardzo cicha. Powiedział, że przed wyborami przechowywano mąkę i inne przedmioty w większych ilościach i będą musiały trochę czasu, aby powrócić na rynki. Charytarz Karachi zajmuje się hurtową sprzedażą towarzystw kiełbasowych KWGA Anis Majeed powiedział tylko 50 procent obrotów handlowych zostało zarejestrowanych we wtorek na rynkach hurtowych. Prawdziwa aktywność handlowa wzrośnie od następnego tygodnia, kiedy zapasy spiętrzone przez konsumentów wyczerpują się W tym tygodniu będzie świadkiem powolnego kupowania i sprzedaży towarów, powiedział Komitet Działań Convener Tajir, Imran Saeed Baghpati, powiedział, że odwiedził wiele rynków, nie było ledwie 10-12 proc. nabywców, a sprzedaż pozostała bardzo przygnębiona. Pierwszego dnia po wyborach przedstawił się raczej jako święto niż dzień roboczy, dodał, że wiele osób oglądało wyniki wyborów do późnej nocy w mediach elektronicznych, więc spędzili ich czas spędzony we wtorek we wrześniu. Powiedział, że mieszkańcy Karaczi nie wywarli wrażenia na temat zmian politycznych na szczeblu krajowym, ponieważ bardziej troszczeli się o losy wyborów w Karaczi, które oczywiście pozostały Według ich oczekiwań, Imran powiedział, dodając, że ludzie przybędą na rynki w ciągu najbliższych dwóch lub trzech dni. Wręcz przeciwnie, Komitet Działań Handlowych Tradera Tariqa TRTAC Siddiq Memon t że zakupy pozostały we wtorek 60 procent w odzieży i innych przedmiotach w porównaniu do 10-20 procent przed wyborami parlamentarnymi Gdy tylko kwestie polityczne zostaną rozliczone, konsumenci zaczną przybywać na rynki w , dodał. Prezydent Falahi Anjuman sprzedaje hurtowy rynek warzywny, Super Highway, Haji Shahjehan powiedział, że we wtorek widać było około 50 procent handlu, ponieważ sprzedawcy detaliczni warzywni wycofywali się z zapasów na jeden lub dwa dni przed ankietami i polegali na poprzednich zapasów Nawet pośpiech regularnych nabywców pozostawał bardzo cienki, ponieważ kupili również warzywa przed lutym 18. Było to również mniej przybycia ciężarówek od 250 do 300 w porównaniu do normalnych 800 samochodów ciężarowych dziennie, powiedział nadzieję, że kupujący wrócą w ciągu dnia lub twoments 0 Zamknięte. . ,,,,. . ,,,,,,. . ,, .03 2017.11 2017.11 2017.19 2017.04 2017.5. - 0. 90. 90. -. -. -. 2 - -,,. . . .100 .100. ,, -. Video trend 2017. 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BBC URDU News Przekaz na żywo ARY News, 92 Wiadomości, Aaj News, Abb Takk News, Capital TV, Kanał 24 Kanał 5, Miasto 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, News One, Wiadomości z PTV, Royal News, Roze News, Samaa News, Taka telewizja, Waqt News, Apna News, Wiadomości KTN, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol Media, Bol Network, Khyber News 7 Aktualności Kanał nadawczy Nowości przesłamy najlepszą kolekcję wiadomości z Pakistanu Obejrzyj najnowsze wiadomości i najnowsze aktualizacje yo Czy możesz znaleźć nasze filmy wideo związane z problemami bieżącymi sprawami na dzień Proszę, zapisz się do naszego kanału, aby uzyskać więcej informacji o nowościach i nowościach. News i wszelkiego rodzaju relacje z mediami Wysyłamy wybrane newsy. Videos Świat to wszystko o zdrowiu i uroda Porady dla wszystkich, ale specjalnie dla młodych ludzi z problemami z generacją, Desi Nuskhe totkay i Wazaif w celu poprawy zdrowia, Islami Wzaif, zdrowie i fitness związane ze wszystkimi mężczyznami Problem, Desi Totakay i porady, wiadomości, śmieszne filmy, Lataif More More. Live TV ARY News Headlines 16 grudnia 2017 TV ARY Newsy Aktualizacje TV ARY Aktualności Najlepsze artykuły dzisiaj Telewizja ARY Wiadomości Światy Headlines Today TV ARY Międzynarodowe Wiadomości Aktualizacje TV ARY Asia Updates Aktualności ARTYKUŁY ARCHIWUM ARCHIWUM AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI AKTUALNOŚCI Dzisiaj 16 grudnia 2017 r. Ahmad Quraishi Kal Tak Express News, Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath, Capital Talk, G na Gharida, na żywo z dr Shahid Masood, Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain, Aapas Ki Baat, Khabar Naak, Meri Kahani Meri Zabani, Meri Jang Z Mubashir Luqman, Jirga Geo News Hasb-e-Haal, Ikhtalafi Uwaga, Żyj z Talat, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Aaj Z Reham Khan, Sairbeen - BBC, Khara Sach Z Mubashirem Lucmanem Benzyna Z przestępczością, Jurm Bolta Hai, Sar e Aam, The Shareef Show , pakistańskich pieśni, pakistańskiej armii, pakistańskich filmów, pakistańskiego dramatu scenicznego, pakistańskich zabawnych klipów, pakistanu i india pakistańskich idolów, pakistańskich sił powietrznych, siły pakistańskiej armii, austriackiego idola, pakistańskiego wesela, pakistańskiego piękna, pakistańskich piosenek dramatycznych, pakistanu pełnego filmu f 17 gunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan dziewczyny szkoła koks studio 6 pakistan koks studio 8 pakistan top 10 pakistanie najbogatszy pakistański dramat ost hum tv dramat pakistański aktorka aktorka gul e rana ary cyfrowa alphabravo bulbulay faisal qureshi geo tv humsafar najgorętsze sceny imran abbas Mann Mayal odcinek ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, przeładunki panamy, nad krawędzią, pakistan, krawędź, htv, waqar zaka, htv pakistan, hd, otewaqarzaka, we dare, waqarzaka, pakistani show, tv shows, daredevil , żyjący na krawędzi, overtheedge, przesłuchania, s-series, nasz, winorośli, duński, ali, sham, idrees, śmieszne, wideo, pieśń, winorośli, islamabad, chitral, żyjący, życie krawędzi, nad krawędzią htv, na krawędzi waqar zaka, chłopak, utalentowany, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, dramaty pakistańskie, pełne, dramat tv rodzaj, dramat, kraj pakistański, hum tv, wynalazek telewizyjny, udaari, najlepszy , hd, nasir chinyoti, następny epizod, ary cyfrowy, wysoki quailty, dil lagi epizod 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run mureed, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, dramat romansowy, iftikhar thakur , gulnaz, afreen khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, nowy, urdu, punjabi, ostatni, bollywood, kompletny, człowiek mayal, pełny, hd, hum tv, dramat, plus, rozrywka aaj, epizod 15, 2 maja 2017, poranny pokaz, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera naam yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistańskie dramaty, chandan haar, rozrywka, diyar e dil, ary digital, dramat aryjski, meri bahuien, hum tv dramat, 11 kwietnia 2017, epizod 13, epizod 14, 25 kwietnia 2017, epizod 09, 21 marca 2017 r., Hamza ali abbasi, odcinek 12 hd pełny, 18 kwietnia 2017 r., Odcinek 11, 04 kwietnia 2017 r., Epizod 10, dr shahid masood, gorące, pokazy, żywą, skandal, pakistański media, pakistan modi, pakistańska medialna india, pakistan indie, pakistan, mathira, rano, miły, wojsko, naats, joga, filmy wideo, ćwiczenia, pieśni, smutne, policja, naprawdę, całowanie, para, stants, dreesing, wskaźnik loe, vibe tv, sexy, moda, palacze, hassan nisar , pakistańska aktorka gorąca, aktorka pakistańska na żywo, Jak piękna dziewczyna G wyjeżdża do Waqar Zaka, aby odrzucić ją w filmie Audition, nad brzegiem Auditions Full Ep 01.Dunya News Nadawanie na żywo Dunya News TV na żywo hd. ARY Aktualności na żywo ARY News, 92 Wiadomości, Aaj News, Abb Takk News, Capital TV , Channel 24 Channel 5, City 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, Aktualności One, PTV News, Royal News, Roze News, Samaa News, Tak TV, Wiadomości Waqt, Apna News, Wiadomości KTN, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol Media, Bol Network, Khyber News i 7 News Channel nadawanie Newsów wysyłamy najlepsze zbiór wiadomości z Pakistanu Obejrzyj najnowsze wiadomości i najnowsze aktualizacje wiadomości można znaleźć nasze filmy wideo związane z problemem bieżącym wydaniu na dzień Proszę Subskrybować nasz kanał więcej News Updates and Talk Shows clips Top Pakistanu News Headlines, Aktualności Aktualizacje i najnowsze wiadomości Polityczne, społeczne, zdrowie, biznes, handel, showbiznes, rozrywka wiadomości i wszystkie rodzaj relacji z mediami przesyłamy wybrane News. Videos World I s All About Zdrowie i uroda Porady dla wszystkich, ale specjalnie dla młodych ludzi generacji problemów zdrowotnych, Desi Nuskhe totkay i Wazaif Poprawa zdrowia, Islami Wzaif, zdrowie i fitness związane z wszystkimi problemami mężczyzn, Desi Totakay i porady, nowości, śmieszne filmy, Lataif Much More. Live TV ARY Wiadomości Nagłówki 16 grudnia 2017 TV ARY Aktualności Aktualizacje TV ARY Aktualności Najlepsze artykuły dzisiaj TV ARY Newsy Światy Headlines Today TV ARY Międzynarodowe Wiadomości Aktualizacje TV ARY Asia Aktualizacje Aktualności Najważniejsze dziś TV ARY News Headlines Żyj z dr Shahid Masood TV ARY Pakistan News Nagłówki Dzisiaj TV ARY US News Aktualizacje Dzisiaj 16 grudnia 2017 TV ARY News Biuletyn 16 grudnia 2017.Q z Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News, Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath, Dyskusja Capital, G Dla Gharida, Żyj z dr Shahid Masood, Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain, Aapas Ki Baat, Khabar Naak, Meri Kahani Meri Zabani, Meri Jang Z Mubashir Luqman, wiadomości Jirga geo Hasb-e-Haal, Uwaga Ikhtalafi, Żyj z Talat, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Aaj Z Reham Khan , Sairbeen - BBC, Khara Sach Z Mubashirem Lucmanem Benzyna Z Przestępczością, Jurm Bolta Hai, Sar e Aam, The Shareef Show, pakistańskimi piosenkami, pakistańską armią, pakistańskimi filmami, pakistańskimi scenariuszami, pakistańskimi zabawnymi klipami, pakistanami i india pakistańskimi idolami, pakistańskimi siłami powietrznymi , Pakistanu potęga armii, austriacki idol, pakistańskie wesele, pakistańskie piękno, pakistańskie pieśni dramatyczne, pakistański film pełny film 17 pakistańskich pakistańskich sił powietrznych f 16 pakistańskie dziewczyny szkoła koksownia 6 pakistańska koksownia 8 pakistańska top 10 pakistańskich najbogatszych pakistańskich dramat ost hum tv pakistani dramat aktorka aktorka gul e rana ary cyfrowa alfabravo bulbulay faisal qureshi geo tv humsafar najgorętsza scena imran abbas Mann Mayal odcinek ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, panama przecieki, nad krawędzią, pakistan, krawędź, htv, waqar zaka, htv pakistan , pełne hd, otewaqarzaka, śmiałe, waqarzaka, pakistańskie pokazy, programy telewizyjne, śmiałe, nad, żyjące na krawędzi, overtheedge, przesłuchania, s-series, nasze, winorośli, duński, ali, sham, idrees, śmieszne, wideo, piosenka , v ines, islamabad, chitral, living, living of the edge, nad krawędzią htv, nad krawędzią waqar zaka, chłopiec, utalentowany, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, dramaty pakistańskie, pełne, dramat tv gatunek, dramat, kraj pakistański, hum tv, wynalazek telewizyjny, udaari, najlepszy, hd, nasir chinyoti, następny epizod, ary digital, high quailty, dil lagi epizod 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run mureed, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, romansowy dramat, iftikhar thakur, gulnaz, afrykański khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, nowy, urdu, punjabi, ostatni, bollywood, kompletny, człowiek mayal , pełne, hd, hum tv, dramat, aj, rozrywka, odcinek 15, 2 może 2017, poranny pokaz, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera naam yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistańskie dramaty, chandan haar, rozrywka, diyar e dil, ary cyfrowy, dramat aryjski, meri bahuien, hum tv dra masa, 11 kwietnia 2017, epizod 13, epizod 14, 25 kwietnia 2017, epizod 09, 21 marca 2017, hamza ali abbasi, epizod 12 hd pełne, 18 kwietnia 2017, epizod 11, 04 kwietnia 2017, epizod 10, dr shahid masood, gorące, show, live, skandal, pakistan media, pakistan modi, pakistani media india, pakistański Indie, pakistan, mathira, rano, miły, wojsko, naats, joga, filmy, ćwiczenia, pieśni, smutny, policja, naprawdę, całując, para , stants, dreesing, loe wskaźnik, vibe tv, sexy, moda, palaczy, hassan nisar, indian pakistan, dekoracja, narażone, mathira osoba, brudne, aktorka, pakistan kraj, pakistani aktorka gorąca, pakistani aktorka żyją gorąco, jak piękna dziewczyna Gali z Waqarem Zaka za odrzucenie jej w audycji Video, nad brzegiem Auditions Full Ep 01 - HTV. ARY Aktualności Przekazywanie informacji na żywo ARY News, 92 Wiadomości, Aaj News, Abb Takk Wiadomości, Capital TV, Channel 24 Channel 5, City 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, Aktualności One, PTV News, Royal News, Roze News, S Amaa News, Taka telewizja, Wiadomości Waqt, Apna News, Wiadomości KTN, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol Media, Sieć Bol, Wiadomości Khyber i 7 News Channel nadawanie Newsów wysyłamy najlepsze zbiór wiadomości z Pakistanu Oglądaj najnowsze wiadomości i najnowsze wiadomości aktualizacje można znaleźć na naszych tematach wideo związanych z bieżącym wydaniem sprawy na dzień Proszę Subskrybować nasz kanał więcej wiadomości Aktualizacje i porozmawiać pliki wideo Top Pakistanu News Headlines, aktualizacje wiadomości i najnowsze wiadomości Polityczne, społeczne, zdrowie, biznes, handel, Showbiz, Newsy i wszelkiego rodzaju pokazy medialne Prześlij wybrane newsy. 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Q z Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News, Aaj Shahzeb, Khanzada Kay Sath, Capital Talk, G na Gharida, na żywo z dr Shahid Masood, Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain, Aapas Ki Baat, Khabar Naak, Meri Kahani Meri Zabani, Meri Jang Z Mubashir Luqman, Jirga geo news Hasb - e-Haal, Ikhtalafi Uwaga, na żywo z Talat, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Aaj Z Reham Khan, Sairbeen - BBC, Khara Sach Z Mubashir Lucman Kryminał Benzyna, Jurm Bolta Hai, Sar e Aam, The Shareef Show, pakistani piosenki, pakistan wojsko, pakistańskie filmy, pakistański dramaturgia, pakistańskie śmieszne filmy, pakistan vs india pakistan idol, pakistańskie siły powietrzne, pakistan armia władzy, austriacki idol, pakistańskie wesele, pakistańskie piękno, pakistańskie pieśni dramatyczne, pakistan pełny film f 17 gunder pakistański pakist air force f 16 pakistan dziewczyny szkoła koks studio 6 pakistan koks studio 8 pakistan top 10 pakistanie najbogatszy pakistański dramat ost hum tv dramat pakistański aktorka aktorka gul e rana ary digital alfabravo bulbulay faisal qureshi geo tv humsafar najgorętsze sceny imran abbas Mann Mayal EpisodeANGANG By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, panama przecieki, nad krawędzią, pakistan, krawędź, htv, waqar zaka, ht pakistan, full hd, otewaqarzaka, dare, waqarzaka, pakistani show, programy telewizyjne, śmiałek, overtheedge, przesłuchania, s-series, nasze, winorośli, duński, ali, sham, idrees, śmieszne, wideo, piosenki, winorośli, islamabad, chitral, życia, życia krawędzi, nad krawędzią htv, nad krawędzią waqar zaka, chłopak, utalentowany, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, dramaty pakistańskie, pełne, dramatowe gatunki tv, dramat, kraj pakistański, hum tv, wynalazek telewizyjny, udaari, najlepszy, hd, nasir chinyoti, następny odcinek , cyfrowo ary, duża ilość, epizod lagi epizod 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run muree d, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, dramat romansowy, iftikhar thakur, gulnaz, afreen khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, nowy, urdu, punjabi, najnowsze , bollywood, complete, man mayal, full, hd, hum tv, drama, a plus, aaj entertainment, episode 15, 2 may 2017, the morning show, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera naam yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistani dramas, chandan haar, entertainment, diyar e dil, ary digital, ary drama, meri bahuien, hum tv dramas, 11 april 2017, episode 13, episode 14, 25 april 2017, episode 09, 21 march 2017, hamza ali abbasi, episode 12 hd full, 18 april 2017, episode 11, 04 april 2017, episode 10,dr shahid masood, hot, show, live, scandal, pakistan media, pakistan modi, pakistani media india, pakistan india, pakistan, mathira, morning, nice, army, naats, yoga, videos, excercise, songs, sad, police, really, kissing, coupl e, stants, dreesing, loe indicator, vibe tv, sexy, fashion, smokers, hassan nisar, india pakistan, decoration, exposed, mathira person , dirty, actress, pakistan country , pakistani actress hot, pakistani actress live hot, How a Beautiful Girl Giving Gali to Waqar Zaka For Rejecting Her In Audition Video, Over The Edge Auditions Full Ep 01 - HTV. 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Rauf Klasra TRuth About London Flats Panama Leaks - SHarif Family - Maryam Nawaz - Qatari Prince - 92 News HD Muqabil with Sarwat Valim, Rauf Klasra and Amir Mateen on 92NewsHD Rauf Klasra Reveals Nawaz Sharif London Mein PUB Bhi Chalatay Thay - Rauf Klasra Off The Record 16th January 2017 Rauf Klasra, Saleem Bukhari Journalist, Analyst , Shehryar Khan Afridi PTI, Qamar Zaman Kaira PPP ARY News Official Youtube Channel, Muqabil 16-01-2017 - 92NewsHD ARY News, 92 News, Aaj News, Abb Takk News, Capital TV, Channel 24 Channel 5, City 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, News One, PTV News, Royal News, Roze News, Samaa News, Such TV, Wa qt News, Apna News, KTN News, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol Media, Bol Network, Khyber News and 7 News Channel broadcasting News we upload best collection of news from Pakistan Watch Latest News and breaking news updates you can find our videos related issues with the current affairs issue on very day Please Subscribe our channel for more News Updates and Talk Shows clips Top Pakistani News Headlines, News Updates and Latest News Political, Social, Health, Business, Trade, Showbiz, Entertainment News and all type of Media Coverage We upload selected News. Videos World Is All About Health and Beauty Tips for all but specially for young generation Health Problems, Desi Nuskhe totkay and Wazaif to Improve health, Islami Wzaif, Health and Fitness Related All Of Men Problem, Desi Totakay and Tips, News, Funny Videos, Lataif Much More. Live TV ARY News Headlines December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Updates TV ARY News Top Stories Today TV ARY News World Headlines Today TV ARY International News Update s TV ARY Asia Updates News Highlights Today TV ARY News Headlines Live with Dr Shahid Masood TV ARY Pakistan News Headlines Today TV ARY US News Updates Today December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Bulletin 16 December 2017.Q with Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath Capital Talk G For Gharida Live with Dr Shahid Masood Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain Aapas Ki Baat Khabar Naak Meri Kahani Meri Zabani Meri Jang With Mubashir Luqman Jirga geo news Hasb-e-Haal , Ikhtalafi Note , Live With Talat , Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath , Sairbeen - BBC , Khara Sach With Mubashir Lucman Crime Petrol , Jurm Bolta Hai , Sar e Aam , The Shareef Show, pakistani songs, pakistan army, pakistani movies, pakistani stage drama, pakistani funny clips, pakistan vs india pakistan idol, pakistan air force, pakistan army power, australian idol, a pakistani wedding, pakistan beauty, pakistani drama songs, pakistan full movie f 17 thunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan girls school coke studio 6 pa kistan coke studio 8 pakistan top 10 pakistani richest pakistani drama ost hum tv pakistani drama actress actress gul e rana hottest scene imran abbas Mann Mayal Episode ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, panama leaks, over the edge, pakistan, edge, htv, waqar zaka, htv pakistan, full hd, otewaqarzaka, dare, waqarzaka, pakistani shows, tv shows, daredevil, over, living on the edge, overtheedge, auditions, s-series, our, vine, danish, ali, sham, idrees, funny, video, song, vines, islamabad, chitral, living, living of the edge, over the edge htv, over the edge waqar zaka, boy, talented, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, pakistani dramas, full, drama tv genre , drama, pakistan country , hum tv, television invention , udaari, best, hd, nasir chinyoti, next episode, ary digital, high quailty, dil lagi episode 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run mureed, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, romance drama, iftikhar thakur, gulnaz, afreen khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, new, urdu, punjabi, latest, bollywood, complete, man mayal, full, hd, hum tv, drama, a plus, aaj entertainment, episode 15, 2 may 2017, the morning show, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera naam yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistani dramas, chandan haar, entertainment, diyar e dil, ary digital, ary drama, meri bahuien, hum tv dramas, 11 april 2017, episode 13, episode 14, 25 april 2017, episode 09, 21 march 2017, hamza ali abbasi, episode 12 hd full, 18 april 2017, episode 11, 04 april 2017, episode 10,dr shahid masood, hot, show, live, scandal, pakistan media, pakistan modi, pakistani media india, pakistan india, pakistan, mathira, morning, nice, army, naats, yoga, videos, excercise, songs, sad, police, really, kissing, couple, stants, dreesing, loe indicator, vibe tv, sexy, fashion, smokers, hassan nisar, india pakistan, decoration, exposed, mathira person , dirty, actress, pakistan country , pakistani actress hot, pakistani actress live hot, How a Beautiful Girl Giving Gali to Waqar Zaka For Rejecting Her In Audition Video, Over The Edge Auditions Full Ep 01 - HTV. Hamid Mir TRUTH About Panama Case in Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Channel 24 News HD Hamid MIr reveals about panama case hearing panama case will change accountability Panama Tamasha Nawaz Sharif Maryam Nawaz Supream Court IMRAN Khan Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Panama Tamasha 22 January 2017 24 News HD. Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Panama Tamasha 17 January 2017 24 News HD Host Mubasher Lucman Guest Navid Ch PPP Ejaz Ch PTI Cap Sohail Baloch Hamid Mir ARY News, 92 News, Aaj News, Abb Takk News, Capital TV, Channel 24 Channel 5, City 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, News One, PTV News, Royal News, Roze News, Samaa News, Such TV, Waqt News, Apna News, KTN News, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol M edia, Bol Network, Khyber News and 7 News Channel broadcasting News we upload best collection of news from Pakistan Watch Latest News and breaking news updates you can find our videos related issues with the current affairs issue on very day Please Subscribe our channel for more News Updates and Talk Shows clips Top Pakistani News Headlines, News Updates and Latest News Political, Social, Health, Business, Trade, Showbiz, Entertainment News and all type of Media Coverage We upload selected News. Videos World Is All About Health and Beauty Tips for all but specially for young generation Health Problems, Desi Nuskhe totkay and Wazaif to Improve health, Islami Wzaif, Health and Fitness Related All Of Men Problem, Desi Totakay and Tips, News, Funny Videos, Lataif Much More. Live TV ARY News Headlines December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Updates TV ARY News Top Stories Today TV ARY News World Headlines Today TV ARY International News Updates TV ARY Asia Updates News Highlights Today TV ARY News Head lines Live with Dr Shahid Masood TV ARY Pakistan News Headlines Today TV ARY US News Updates Today December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Bulletin 16 December 2017.Q with Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath Capital Talk G For Gharida Live with Dr Shahid Masood Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain Aapas Ki Baat Khabar Naak Meri Kahani Meri Zabani Meri Jang With Mubashir Luqman Jirga geo news Hasb-e-Haal, Ikhtalafi Note, Live With Talat, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Aaj With Reham Khan, Sairbeen - BBC, Khara Sach With Mubashir Lucman Crime Petrol, Jurm Bolta Hai, Sar e Aam , The Shareef Show, pakistani songs, pakistan army, pakistani movies, pakistani stage drama, pakistani funny clips, pakistan vs india pakistan idol, pakistan air force, pakistan army power, australian idol, a pakistani wedding, pakistan beauty, pakistani drama songs, pakistan full movie f 17 thunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan girls school coke studio 6 pakistan coke studio 8 pakistan top 10 pakistani richest pakistani drama ost hum tv pakistani drama actress ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, panama leaks, over the edge, pakistan, edge, htv, waqar zaka, htv pakistan, full hd, otewaqarzaka, dare, waqarzaka, pakistani shows, tv shows, daredevil, over, living on the edge, overtheedge, auditions, s-series, our, vine, danish, ali, sham, idrees, funny, video, song, vines, islamabad, chitral, living, living of the edge, over the edge htv, over the edge waqar zaka, boy, talented, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, pakistani dramas, full, drama tv genre , drama, pakistan country , hum tv, television invention , udaari, best, hd, nasir chinyoti, next episode, ary digital, high quailty, dil lagi episode 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run mureed, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, romance drama, iftikhar thakur, gulnaz, afreen khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, new, urdu, punjabi, latest, bollywood, complete, ma n mayal, full, hd, hum tv, drama, a plus, aaj entertainment, episode 15, 2 may 2017, the morning show, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera naam yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistani dramas, chandan haar, entertainment, diyar e dil, ary digital, ary drama, meri bahuien, hum tv dramas, 11 april 2017, episode 13, episode 14, 25 april 2017, episode 09, 21 march 2017, hamza ali abbasi, episode 12 hd full, 18 april 2017, episode 11, 04 april 2017, episode 10,dr shahid masood, hot, show, live, scandal, pakistan media, pakistan modi, pakistani media india, pakistan india, pakistan, mathira, morning, nice, army, naats, yoga, videos, excercise, songs, sad, police, really, kissing, couple, stants, dreesing, loe indicator, vibe tv, sexy, fashion, smokers, hassan nisar, india pakistan, decoration, exposed, mathira person , dirty, actress, pakistan country , pakistani actress hot, pakistani actress live hot, How a B eautiful Girl Giving Gali to Waqar Zaka For Rejecting Her In Audition Video, Over The Edge Auditions Full Ep 01 - HTV. Hamid Mir TRUTH About Panama Case in Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Channel 24 News HD Hamid MIr reveals about panama case hearing panama case will change accountability Panama Tamasha Nawaz Sharif Maryam Nawaz Supream Court IMRAN Khan Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Panama Tamasha 22 January 2017 24 News HD. Khara Such with Mubasher Lucman Panama Tamasha 17 January 2017 24 News HD Host Mubasher Lucman Guest Navid Ch PPP Ejaz Ch PTI Cap Sohail Baloch Hamid Mir ARY News, 92 News, Aaj News, Abb Takk News, Capital TV, Channel 24 Channel 5, City 42, Dawn News, Din News, Dunya News, Express News, Geo News, Jaag TV, Metro One, Neo News Network, News One, PTV News, Royal News, Roze News, Samaa News, Such TV, Waqt News, Apna News, KTN News, Sindh TV News, Bol News, Bol Media, Bol Network, Khyber News and 7 News Channel broadcasting News we upload best collection of news from Pakistan Watch Latest News and breaking news updates you can find our videos related issues with the current affairs iss ue on very day Please Subscribe our channel for more News Updates and Talk Shows clips Top Pakistani News Headlines, News Updates and Latest News Political, Social, Health, Business, Trade, Showbiz, Entertainment News and all type of Media Coverage We upload selected News. Videos World Is All About Health and Beauty Tips for all but specially for young generation Health Problems, Desi Nuskhe totkay and Wazaif to Improve health, Islami Wzaif, Health and Fitness Related All Of Men Problem, Desi Totakay and Tips, News, Funny Videos, Lataif Much More. Live TV ARY News Headlines December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Updates TV ARY News Top Stories Today TV ARY News World Headlines Today TV ARY International News Updates TV ARY Asia Updates News Highlights Today TV ARY News Headlines Live with Dr Shahid Masood TV ARY Pakistan News Headlines Today TV ARY US News Updates Today December 16, 2017 TV ARY News Bulletin 16 December 2017.Q with Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath Capital Talk G For Gharida Live with Dr Shahid Masood Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain Aapas Ki Baat Khabar Naak Meri Kahani Meri Zabani Meri Jang With Mubashir Luqman Jirga geo news Hasb-e-Haal, Ikhtalafi Note, Live With Talat, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Aaj With Reham Khan, Sairbeen - BBC, Khara Sach With Mubashir Lucman Crime Petrol, Jurm Bolta Hai, Sar e Aam , The Shareef Show, pakistani songs, pakistan army, pakistani movies, pakistani stage drama, pakistani funny clips, pakistan vs india pakistan idol, pakistan air force, pakistan army power, australian idol, a pakistani wedding, pakistan beauty, pakistani drama songs, pakistan full movie f 17 thunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan girls school coke studio 6 pakistan coke studio 8 pakistan top 10 pakistani richest pakistani drama ost hum tv pakistani drama actress ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch, panama leaks, over the edge, pakistan, edge, htv, waqar zaka, htv pakistan, full hd, otewaqarzaka, dare, waqarzaka, pakistani shows, tv shows, daredevil, over, living on the edge, overtheedge, auditions, s-series, our, vine, danish, ali, sham, idrees, funny, video, song, vines, islamabad, chitral, living, living of the edge, over the edge htv, over the edge waqar zaka, boy, talented, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, pakistani dramas, full, drama tv genre , drama, pakistan country , hum tv, television invention , udaari, best, hd, nasir chinyoti, next episode, ary digital, high quailty, dil lagi episode 1, raat ki rani, chiti, run mureed, gol gapay, kapati, pinki, sajan abbas, amanat chan, zafri khan, romance drama, iftikhar thakur, gulnaz, afreen khan, khushboo, mahnoor, sheeza, samina khan, samar rana, arzoo, new, urdu, punjabi, latest, bollywood, complete, man mayal, full, hd, hum tv, drama, a plus, aaj entertainment, episode 15, 2 may 2017, the morning show, guzaarish, jago pakistan jago, alvida, bin roye, bulbulay, jawani phir nahi ani, 3 bahadur, yeh mera deewanapan hai, mera na am yousuf hai, bheegi palkhein, pakistani dramas, chandan haar, entertainment, diyar e dil, ary digital, ary drama, meri bahuien, hum tv dramas, 11 april 2017, episode 13, episode 14, 25 april 2017, episode 09, 21 march 2017, hamza ali abbasi, episode 12 hd full, 18 april 2017, episode 11, 04 april 2017, episode 10,dr shahid masood, hot, show, live, scandal, pakistan media, pakistan modi, pakistani media india, pakistan india, pakistan, mathira, morning, nice, army, naats, yoga, videos, excercise, songs, sad, police, really, kissing, couple, stants, dreesing, loe indicator, vibe tv, sexy, fashion, smokers, hassan nisar, india pakistan, decoration, exposed, mathira person , dirty, actress, pakistan country , pakistani actress hot, pakistani actress live hot, How a Beautiful Girl Giving Gali to Waqar Zaka For Rejecting Her In Audition Video, Over The Edge Auditions Full Ep 01 - HTV. 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Friday, 6 January 2017.Bachi Ne Waqar zaka ko expose kar dia Waqar Zaka Show 2017 Living On The Edge HTV Pakistan How She Cut Her Finger Over The Edge Audition Waqar Zaka 25th april 2017 On HTV YouTube Beautiful Girl Insulted Waqar Zaka in his Show 2017 Beautiful Girl Try to Kiss Waqar Zaka in Live Show Over The Edge Audition Very Cute Girl Propose Waqar Zaka Very Funny Auditions of Girls and Boys in Waqar Zaka Show HTV presents Pakistan s top reality show personality Waqar Zaka in action This is your big chance to be the next big thing, registration process releasing on 14th FEB 2017 on HTV Duniya mei Agra sirf Doosron k Fan baney Aye ho Tu yeh show tumharay liya nahie otherwise Get ready to win a CASH Prize that will change your Life style forever What Going Wrong With Girl In Living On The Edge Islamabad Audition Full Episode Waqar was born in Sargodha, Pakistan 6 Waqar began his career in 1997 by releasing the song Nahi Pada Meine Poora Saal I haven t Studied the Whole Year He became a VJ in 2017 7 He gained public recognition by a reality show Living on the Edge It was first aired in 2017 on ARY Musik 8 Waqar then created and hosted reality shows XPOSED, King of Street Magic, Desi Kudiyanand The Cricket Challenge aired on ARY Musik 9 Waqar Zaka joined Play Entertainment as Executive Director in 2017.stereaming, geo news live, dunya news liv e, dunya tv live, geo tv live, aaj news live, live waqt news, express news live, avt khyber news, ptv news, on the front, kharra sach, asad luqman, kamran khan ke sath, hamid mir, capital talk, breaking news, buletin, geo headlines, funny, comedy, parody, musharraf, nawaz sharif, imran khan, altaf hussain, shahbaz sharif, asif ali zardari, shahid afridi. pakistan funny poetry, food recipes, living on the edge, pti, style 360, 11number, islamic korner, maulana tariq jamil, zara hat kay Aaj kamran khan ke sath, khabar naak, off the record, on the front, dunya 8 with malick, kal tak with javid chudhary, target point with asma chudhary, to the point with shahzaib khanzada, sawal yeh hai, sar e aam, tonight with fahad, live with talat, capital talk, hai koi jawab, lakin with sana bacchan, islamabad say, islamabad tonight, takrar, policy matters, faisla awam ka, 11th hour, 8pm with fareeha idrees, aap ki baat, apas ki baat, agr, aik din geo kay sath, darling, 3idiots, 4 man show, bolta pakist an, bottom line, hot seat, ikhtilaf, islamabad tonight, qaidi, resspectable show, 11th hour, agr, criminal most wanted, faraib, khara such with luqman, mast gate, off the record, pakistan tonight, sar e aam, sawal yeh hai, boss nahi choeraga, doosra pehlu, hai koi jawab, kuch to hai, pakistan aaj rat, seedhi baat, siasat mana hai, under cober, faisla awam ka, hoshyaar, kab tak, kuch tu hai, maano ya na mano, news night, raid, target point, dosera pehlu, aaena, news bulltien, but tameezain, cross fire, dunya 8 with malick, hasb e haal, in session, khabar yeh hai, dunya tv, khari baat, kyun, nuqta e nazar, on the front, police file, talash, darling, front line with kamran, kal tak with javid chudhary, live with talat, takra, to the point, woh kia hai, aaps ki bat, aik din geo k sath, awam ki adalat, bnana news network, ajj kamran khan key sath, capital talk, khabar naak, hum awam, hum sab umeed say hain, jigra, lakin, mary mutabiq, ab kia hoga, bang e dara, capital circuitgehri nazar, ma zarat ka sath, prime time, 30 mints, aap ki bat, aisa bhe hota hai, awam ki awaz, faisla apka, hum log, introgation, khoji, news beat with fareeha, tafteesh, tonight with jasmeen. Khabarnaak is Comedy television show that airs on 11 05pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays on GEO TV Aftab Iqbal hosts the show, with Sakhawat Naz and Amanullah playing Jeeda Driver and Hakeem Sahab respectively Khabarnaak features Aftab Iqbal as the host and Mir Mohammad Ali as many different celebrities With the antics of Jeeda and Hakeem Sahab, the show was an instant hit Hani and Saleem Albela also started appearing on the show in 2011 Iftikhar Thakur joined the show just before the 2029 General Elections They discuss politics, current affairs and society s problems Rate and Share Subscribe for Daily Talk Shows Khabar Naak New Latest, Hasb E Haal New Latest, Khabarnaak, Khabarnak new latest, Hasb-e-haal new latest. Jurm Bolta Hai Sar e Aam The Shareef Show pakistani songs Q with Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Expr ess News Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath Live with Dr Shahid Masood Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain a pakistani wedding pakistan beauty pakistani drama songs pakistan full movie f 17 thunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan girls school coke studio 6 Aurat K Pichlay Hasay main mubashrat krna, Haiz Menses ki halat main mubasharat karna haram hai, WAYS OF INTERCOURSE OR MUBASHRAT K TARIQAY, MUBASHRAT MAIN ZIADA LUTF ANDOZ HONAY K LIYE, mubashrat ka tariqa with picture, mubashrat ka sahi tariqa video. Bachi Ne Waqar zaka ko expose kar dia Waqar Zaka Show 2017 Living On The Edge HTV Pakistan How She Cut Her Finger Over The Edge Audition Waqar Zaka 25th april 2017 On HTV YouTube Beautiful Girl Insulted Waqar Zaka in his Show 2017 Beautiful Girl Try to Kiss Waqar Zaka in Live Show Over The Edge Audition Very Cute Girl Propose Waqar Zaka Very Funny Auditions of Girls and Boys in Waqar Zaka Show HTV presents Pakistan s top reality show personality Waqar Zaka in action This is your big chance to be t he next big thing, registration process releasing on 14th FEB 2017 on HTV Duniya mei Agra sirf Doosron k Fan baney Aye ho Tu yeh show tumharay liya nahie otherwise Get ready to win a CASH Prize that will change your Life style forever What Going Wrong With Girl In Living On The Edge Islamabad Audition Full Episode Waqar was born in Sargodha, Pakistan 6 Waqar began his career in 1997 by releasing the song Nahi Pada Meine Poora Saal I haven t Studied the Whole Year He became a VJ in 2017 7 He gained public recognition by a reality show Living on the Edge It was first aired in 2017 on ARY Musik 8 Waqar then created and hosted reality shows XPOSED, King of Street Magic, Desi Kudiyanand The Cricket Challenge aired on ARY Musik 9 Waqar Zaka joined Play Entertainment as Executive Director in 2017.stereaming, geo news live, dunya news live, dunya tv live, geo tv live, aaj news live, live waqt news, express news live, avt khyber news, ptv news, on the front, kharra sach, asad luqman, kamran kha n ke sath, hamid mir, capital talk, breaking news, buletin, geo headlines, funny, comedy, parody, musharraf, nawaz sharif, imran khan, altaf hussain, shahbaz sharif, asif ali zardari, shahid afridi. pakistan funny poetry, food recipes, living on the edge, pti, style 360, 11number, islamic korner, maulana tariq jamil, zara hat kay Aaj kamran khan ke sath, khabar naak, off the record, on the front, dunya 8 with malick, kal tak with javid chudhary, target point with asma chudhary, to the point with shahzaib khanzada, sawal yeh hai, sar e aam, tonight with fahad, live with talat, capital talk, hai koi jawab, lakin with sana bacchan, islamabad say, islamabad tonight, takrar, policy matters, faisla awam ka, 11th hour, 8pm with fareeha idrees, aap ki baat, apas ki baat, agr, aik din geo kay sath, darling, 3idiots, 4 man show, bolta pakistan, bottom line, hot seat, ikhtilaf, islamabad tonight, qaidi, resspectable show, 11th hour, agr, criminal most wanted, faraib, khara such with luqman, mast g ate, off the record, pakistan tonight, sar e aam, sawal yeh hai, boss nahi choeraga, doosra pehlu, hai koi jawab, kuch to hai, pakistan aaj rat, seedhi baat, siasat mana hai, under cober, faisla awam ka, hoshyaar, kab tak, kuch tu hai, maano ya na mano, news night, raid, target point, dosera pehlu, aaena, news bulltien, but tameezain, cross fire, dunya 8 with malick, hasb e haal, in session, khabar yeh hai, dunya tv, khari baat, kyun, nuqta e nazar, on the front, police file, talash, darling, front line with kamran, kal tak with javid chudhary, live with talat, takra, to the point, woh kia hai, aaps ki bat, aik din geo k sath, awam ki adalat, bnana news network, ajj kamran khan key sath, capital talk, khabar naak, hum awam, hum sab umeed say hain, jigra, lakin, mary mutabiq, ab kia hoga, bang e dara, capital circuitgehri nazar, mazarat ka sath, prime time, 30 mints, aap ki bat, aisa bhe hota hai, awam ki awaz, faisla apka, hum log, introgation, khoji, news beat with fareeha, tafteesh, tonight with jasmeen. Khabarnaak is Comedy television show that airs on 11 05pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays on GEO TV Aftab Iqbal hosts the show, with Sakhawat Naz and Amanullah playing Jeeda Driver and Hakeem Sahab respectively Khabarnaak features Aftab Iqbal as the host and Mir Mohammad Ali as many different celebrities With the antics of Jeeda and Hakeem Sahab, the show was an instant hit Hani and Saleem Albela also started appearing on the show in 2011 Iftikhar Thakur joined the show just before the 2029 General Elections They discuss politics, current affairs and society s problems Rate and Share Subscribe for Daily Talk Shows Khabar Naak New Latest, Hasb E Haal New Latest, Khabarnaak, Khabarnak new latest, Hasb-e-haal new latest. Jurm Bolta Hai Sar e Aam The Shareef Show pakistani songs Q with Ahmed Quraishi Kal Tak Express News Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath Live with Dr Shahid Masood Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain a pakistani wedding pakistan beauty pakistani drama songs pakistan fu ll movie f 17 thunder pakistan pakistan air force f 16 pakistan girls school coke studio 6 Aurat K Pichlay Hasay main mubashrat krna, Haiz Menses ki halat main mubasharat karna haram hai, WAYS OF INTERCOURSE OR MUBASHRAT K TARIQAY, MUBASHRAT MAIN ZIADA LUTF ANDOZ HONAY K LIYE, mubashrat ka tariqa with picture, mubashrat ka sahi tariqa video. Contact Form. Total Pageviews. This content isn t available over encrypted connections yet. This content isn t available over encrypted connections yet. Search This Blog. Blog Archive. Popular Posts. Dance Kartay Huay Larki Neachay Gir Gai Shalwar Utar Gai or Boys Ne Chod Dia Zulm Fake Baba Exposed in Pakistan Babe Ne Larki Ki Izzat L. Larki Ne Hot Anti Ki Shalwar Utar Di Most Watched Sexy Clips of Funny Videos Private Leaked Videos ANGEL By Taher Shah, Qandeel Baloch. Dance Karti Larki K Baba Ne Momay Choom Liay or Garam Ho K Larki Ne Kapray Utar Diay Private Video Zulm Fake Baba Exposed in Pakistan B. Neeru Bajwa private Dance - Private Video Leaked - New Punja bi Songs 2017 Punjabi Song Amazing Bhangra at marriage by Punjabi girl - on. Dance Karti Larki K Baba Ne Momay Choom Liay or Garam Ho K Larki Ne Kapray Utar Diay Private. Bachi Ne Mom Ko Sharam Say Pani Pani Kar Dia Ye injam Hota hai Bachon Ko indian Darama Dikhanay Ka Dance Karty hue Larki Ki Shalwar Utar. MARYAM NAWAZ Private Video Leaked , Qatari prince Nawaz Sharif PANAMA LEAKS ICIJ Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif s Daught. young girls lesbians girls in pakistan be awre qandeel baloch masira khan and some more girls nude and smoker girls smoking causes cance. Dance Karty hue Larki Ki Shalwar Utar gae sohag rat information in urdu video sohag rat tariqa in urdu suhagrat tarika urdu suhagrat. stage drama clips of qismat baig Pakistani stage actress she very beautiful girls New Pakistani stage drama trailer kismat baig or sitar. Interview with political observer at the English language Pakistani News International newspaper Ahmed Quraishi. There are a lot of reports on the Raymond Davis case Do you see any speedy solutions of this issue now. Chances for a speedy solution may not exist now because yesterday there was a meeting between the three top leaders of the country the army chief, the prime minister and the president and they agreed to let the Pakistani court deal with Raymond Davis As for a speedy resolution that the US State Department has been requesting to release Mr Davis will not be possible now The full procedure of the law will take place before any resolution is found for this case. Some believe that Pakistan is thus walking a tightrope because it may infuriate Washington. It is a very-very tight rope You cannot even begin to imagine this We have an elected government in Pakistan whose president and interior minister are on record, according to US cables leaked by the WikiLeaks website They ve been telling the US ambassador and US officials here that this elected government really relies on Washington s support and protection against local opponents and the strong Pakistani military We have a government here in Islamabad that is co mpletely dependent on Washington and now that it is facing this kind of a situation, it is trying its best to get Mr Raymond Davis released Initially, they try to put forward this excuse that he held a diplomatic passport and there is no other option but to release him But unfortunately, other departments within their own government, for example the foreign Ministry, were completely against releasing Mr Davis, and of course the Pakistani public opinion in the media also came down heavily on this elected government This government, although it did not want to do this, it had no other option but to let the legal process take its course It is a very difficult situation for this government in front of their strong supporters in Washington It is a very tough situation. There were reports about the growing anti-American feelings Some of them said the crowd was ready to encircle the presidential palace and the US embassy Do you think there can be some eruptions of more demonstrations. The demon strations are taking place regularly Yesterday, a press conference at the location where Mr Davis killed three Pakistanis was held by the families of those killed They reveled for the first time that the Pakistani government and the US embassy here offered them green cards and a lot of money, that they refused the offer and that there was a lot of pressure on them to pardon Mr Davis And, of course, there have been demonstrations that you mentioned every day ever since it all happened almost 6 days ago I think the Pakistani public opinion is satisfied for now that the legal court is taking place and the Pakistani government will not somehow smuggle Mr Davis out of the country as the US embassy is demanding But if the Pakistani government takes the decision and tries to avoid a legal process and release this gentleman, there will be a huge problem For the first time the Pakistani commentators say that if that happens, it might spark protests in Pakistan similar to those you witness in ot her Middle Eastern countries, like Egypt. Is the judicial community firm enough to oppose the American pressure. Yes for the first time in maybe 40 or 50 years we have a judicial set that is very strong and confident and yes, it can stand up to foreign pressure, more than the Pakistani political elite and the military. US intelligence agencies are drawing criticism from the Oval Office and Capitol Hill for their failure to detect signs of unrest in the Islamic world and warn in advance of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia. US President Barack Obama sent a letter to the National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, saying he was disappointed with the intelligence community over its failure to predict the outbreak of demonstrations that would lead to the ouster of President Zain al-Abedin in Tunisia According to a US official familiar with such exchanges, which were expressed to Clapper through White House staff, there was little warning before Egypt s riots as well Top senators on the I ntelligence Committee are asking when the president was briefed and what he was told before the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia The committee s chairwoman, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, said These events should not have come upon us with the surprise that they did She said there should have been much more warning of the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, in part because protestors were using the Internet and social media to organize The American senator asked Was someone looking at what was going on the Internet Earlier, top CIA official Stephanie O Sullivan told senators that Obama was warned of instability in Egypt at the end of last year She spoke during a confirmation hearing to become the deputy director of national intelligence, the No 2 official to Clapper The leading Republican on the committee, Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, asked for a written record of the timetable of Obama s intelligence briefings It s due to the committee in 10 days However, the White Hous e publicly rejected charges that intelligence agencies underperformed on Tunisia and said the intelligence community warned the president that Tunisia s protests could inspire others As it seems, the US intelligence has been unable over the past decades to predict upheavals in different parts of the world Over three decades ago, the CIA couldn t properly asses the firmness of the resolve of the Iranian people against the US-backed Pahlavi puppet regime At the time, the US lost one of its key allies in the region In the aftermath of the resounding triumph of the Islamic Revolution, American officials claimed an improved status of intelligence regarding the international issues, especially vis--vis developments in the Middle East However, the current upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt again caught the Americans off guard, and showed how weak the US is, even regarding the intelligence system The ground realities show that the US was blindly dependent on its clients in the region and any voice of opposition against these dictators was considered terrorist activities US observers thus lost the chance to study the culture and religion of the Islamic world, the two vital factors behind political and social developments. T he United States threatened to take military action against China during a secret Star Wars arms race within the past few years, according to Leaked documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph The two nuclear superpowers both shot down their own satellites using sophisticated missiles in separate show of strength, the files suggest The American Government was so incensed by Chinese actions in space that it privately warned Beijing it would face military action if it did not desist The Chinese carried out further tests as recently as last year, however, leading to further protests from Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, secret documents show Beijing justified its actions by accusing the Americans of developing an offensive laser weapon system that would have the capability of destroying missiles before they left enemy territory The disclosures are contained in the latest documents obtained by the Wikileaks website, which have been released to The Telegraph They detail the private fears of both superpowers as they sought mastery of the new military frontier The star wars arms race was began in January 2007 when China shocked the White House by shooting down one of its weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth The strike, which resulted in thousands of pieces of debris orbiting the earth, raised fears that the Chinese had the power to cause chaos by destroying US military and civilian satellites In February 2008, America launched its own test strike to destroy a malfunctioning American satellite, which demonstrated to the Chinese it also had the capability to strike in space America stated at the time that the strike was not a military test but a necessary mission to remove a faulty spy satellite The leaked documents appear to show it s true intentions One month before the strike, the US criticised Beijing for launching its own anti-satellite test , noting The United States has not conducted an anti-satellite test since 1985 In a formal diplomatic protest, officials working for Condoleezza Rice, the then secretary of state, told Beijing A Chinese attack on a satellite using a weapon launched by a ballistic missile threatens to destroy space systems that the United States and other nations use for commerce and national security Destroying satellites endangers people The warning continued Any purposeful interference with US space systems will be interpreted by the United States as an infringement of its rights and considered an escalation in a crisis or conflict The United States reserves the right, consistent with the UN Charter and international law, to defend and protect its space systems with a wide range of options, from diplomatic to military The Chinese strike in 2007 was highly controversial, prompting critici sm from other nations and claims that it marked a revival of President Reagan s Star Wars programme, that was abandoned in the 1980s A month after the Chinese strike, America shot down one of its own satellites, ostensibly to stop it returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard The Chinese did not believe the explanation In secret dispatches, US officials indicated that the strike was, in fact, military in nature Immediately after the US Navy missile destroyed the satellite, the American Embassy in China received direct confirmation of the results of the anti-satellite test from the US military command in the Pacific, according to a secret memo The strike marked the high point of tensions between Washington and Beijing over the issue of ballistic missile defence The cables show that China was deeply concerned about America s plans to place missile defence radars in Japan Another document discloses that the US was allegedly developing an airborne laser syst em to counter the threat from Chinese military build up The Chinese government was said to be angry about the US satellite exercise in February 2008 For months after the US strike, the two countries engaged in tense talks over the issue At a summit on defence in June 2008, the American delegation told the Chinese that Washington did not regard China as an enemy China replied that it saw the two powers as neither allies nor adversaries The Chinese assistant foreign minister complained that the US missile defence programme was not simply defensive but also offensive because it includes lasers that attack a missile in launch phase over the sovereign territory of the launching country The most recent cable in the collection was sent from the office of Mrs Clinton in January 2010 It claimed that US intelligence detected that China had launched a fresh anti-satellite missile test Crucially, Washington wanted to keep secret its knowledge that the missile test was linked to China s previous sp ace strikes The cable, marked secret said the Chinese army had sent an SC-19 missile that successfully destroyed a CSS-X-11 missile about 150 miles above the Earth This test is assessed to have furthered both Chinese ASAT anti-satellite and ballistic missile defense technologies, stated the memo to the US embassy in Beijing Mrs Clinton s cable stressed that the Obama administration retained the Bush-era concerns over Chinese space weapon plans There is growing concern over the potential for nuclear states or terrorists to attack western countries using space Last September, Dr Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, warned that rogue countries or terrorist groups could wipe out electronic systems by producing an electromagnetic pulse through a nuclear explosion high above the Earth On Wednesday night, a Pentagon spokesman said The President s June 2010 National Space Policy requires the Dept of Defense DoD to have a range of options and capabilities Our overriding objective is to promote the peaceful use of space The United States did not engage our own satellite to test or demonstrate an anti-satellite ASAT capability The purpose was to prevent the satellite s hydrazine fuel from causing potential harm to life on the ground To conduct this engagement, we had to make modifications to three sea-based missile defense interceptors, three ships, and the system s command and control software We have not made these modifications to any other missile defense system, nor do we plan to Our missile defense systems are not intended or designed to engage satellites. T he time has come to expose Indian duplicity, unmask its terrible crimes against humanity, and show the world its true hideous face Let us resolve this February 5th that before the next Solidarity Day for the Kashmiris, we would see an end to their misery, rape and torture and the right of self determination of the Kashmiris would be exercised and they would stand vindicated and take their rightful place in the comity of n ations Insha Allah. By Mamoona Ali Kazmi. The people of Pakistan and Kashmir observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th February every year to demonstrate their support for the right of self-determination for the people of Indian occupied Kashmir They conduct seminars and rallies, observe a minute s silence and form Human chains along the roads and on bridges that connect Pakistan with Azad Kashmir The Solidarity Day reaffirms Pakistan s pledge to the people of Kashmir that she will not leave them alone in their just struggle against atrocities committed by the Indian occupational forces Observance of Solidarity Day on 5th February is a proof of Pakistan s continued support to Kashmiri cause Recently, the government of Azad Kashmir has decided to observe 2011 as the year of right of self-determination of Kashmiris living across the Line of Control Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international dispute in the world today The Kashmir issue is the result of unjust partition and thus reco gnised as a disputed territory by the international community India claims right over the territory due to the signing of a dubious Instrument of Accession with the Maharaja The International Commission of Jurists ICJ , based in Geneva passed a resolution in 1993, which proclaimed Kashmir s accession to India as bogus and null and void India has never produced original copy of the Instrument of Accession on an international forum In 1995 the Indian authorities reported that the original document was lost or stolen All this creates doubts whether the Maharaja has ever signed an Instrument of Accession or not If promises are made to be broken, then Kashmir may be summoned to prove this saying Broken promises haunt Kashmir s history, and explain its tragedy On 21st April 1948 Security Council passed a resolution, which called for a fair and free plebiscite in Kashmir Indian Prime Minister Nehru promised to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir On 2nd November 1947, Prime Minister Nehru reiterated We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people That pledge we have given and the Maharaja supported it, not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world We will not and cannot back out of it The promise however, was never fulfilled India thwarted all attempts by the UN to hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir It forcibly occupied Kashmir by her security forces that remained engaged in committing human rights violation for more than 60 years In the recent past, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pervez Musharraf agreed at the United Nations on 24th September 2004 to explore all the possible options to settle the issue of Kashmir Then exactly one year later Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said at the United Nations on 16th September 2005 What I do believe, I have also said that borders cannot be redrawn but we must work together to make borders irrelevant It is hard to understand how can you explore all possible options when the only option available is to make borders irrelevant status quo For Pakistan without the earlier resolution of Kashmir issue peace, security and development cannot be ensured in the region Former President Musharraf proposed several options on Kashmir dispute based on territorial changes, which he called food for thought on 24th October, 2004 The suggestions, which were bold for any Pakistani leader to make on such a sensitive issue, met with muted response in Delhi Similarly, the Indian government rejected President Musharraf s suggestion of demilitarization of three cities, Baramullah, Kupwara and Srinagar of Jammu and Kashmir, in December 2005 In December 2006 in an interview with the Indian channel NDTV, former President Musharraf unveiled a four-point solution and declared that Pakistan was ready to discuss the issue beyond the parameters of its old demand for plebiscite in Kashmir and the basis provided by the UN resolutions if India, also left its stated positions The four-point solution pro vide Kashmir will have the same borders but people will be allowed to move freely in the region, the region will have self governance for autonomy but not independence, troops will be withdrawn from the region in a staggered manner, and a joint supervision mechanism will be set up with India, Pakistan and Kashmir representatives This offer of the President also failed to evoke any official response from the Indian side Instead of giving them their right to self-determination, India has employed various techniques such as black laws, POTA, TADA and AFSPA to crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement since 1989 Currently, 700,000 military and paramilitary troops are deployed in occupied Kashmir and are involved in gruesome human rights violations Torture, rape, plunder, abduction, arson, custodial disappearances, arbitrary detentions, and ruthless suppression of peaceful political dissent have become commonplaces The Indian occupational forces have killed more than 92,150 innocent Kashmiris 38,450 people have been rendered disabled or crippled for life and 30,000 women have been raped and molested In the words of Lord Eric Avebury, Chairman, British Parliamentary Human Rights Group The atrocities committed by Indian imperialists in occupied Kashmir surpass brutalities of apartheid regime in South Africa or of Nazis 50 years ago The condition of Kashmiris detained in different jails of the occupied Kashmir is worse than that of those in Abu Gharib prison in Iraq Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer said The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy In reality, it is not Several states in India are on the verge of civil war In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed In Iraq, there are 150,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 700,000 Pakistan believes that a just and lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute can only be found through a process of dialogue and engagement For this reason, Pakistan always init iated a dialogue with India for the solution of Kashmir dispute Pakistan believes that for peace process, it is essential that Indian armed forces must stop violations of human rights in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir Despite all sincere efforts by Pakistan government to resolve the long lasting dispute, India has not shown flexibility in this regard All this reflects that India is not willing to solve Kashmir dispute and end the sufferings of the Kashmiri people Instead it wants to strengthen its hold over the valley On the Solidarity Day, India needs to understand that it would no longer be able to keep Kashmiris under its occupation It s time that she should adopt a flexible attitude to solve the Kashmir dispute at the earliest. D avid Cameron, the newly elected British prime minister and the former British prime minister Tony Blair appeared utterly hypocritical while expressing their views about the current volatile situation in Egypt David was talking to Fareed Zakaria, the CNN anch or of GPS programme and Tony Blair with CNN anchor Piers Morgan Both were asked how they looked at the historic uprising of the Egyptian people against the three decades of tyrannical and despotic rule of Hosni Mubarak. By Saeed Qureshi. Cameron was babbling about the process of transition over a period of time which is what the standpoint of the disgraced and besieged president of Egypt This conservative prime minister whose parliament is known as the mother of all the parliaments and Britain being the first parliamentary democracy seemed averse to the idea of Mubarak immediately stepping down as demanded by his countrymen in their unprecedented demonstrations He was implicitly trying to shield Mubarak whom the people of Egypt perceive as a devil and have absolutely rejected him. Tony Blair, a submissive pal of George W Bush was repeating the same logic with nonstop blurry and fuzzy rhetoric, as was earlier dished out by the sitting prime minster None of these two guys categorically cal led for the resignation of Hosni Mubarak or spoke candidly about the people of Egypt who were demanding democracy, equality, social freedom, and fundamental human rights The protestors are venting their seething anger against the grinding poverty, a culture of rampant corruption, police cruelty, repression and torture. The convoluted logic of these leading British political luminaries, clearly demonstrated their double standards as they want a civil and humane society in their own country but not in Egypt because it was ruled by an individual who was serving the paramount interests of Israel and other protectors of the Jewish state including Britain than their own people. This British duplicity and hypocrisy has its precedence in the past history of relations between the Arabs and the Anglo-British imperialism The British government persuaded Sharif Hussain of Makkah, the Arab spiritual leader of Muslims not to endorse the proclamation of Jihad by the Ottoman caliphate against the allied forces and also made him agree to fight against the Ottomans along with the allied forces The Turkish forces were fighting against the imperialist forces as an ally of Germany. Sharif Hussain was assured that in case of allied victory, all the Arab lands that were under the Ottoman occupation would be returned to Arabs This assurance was given to Sharif Hussain through three separate commitments The first was the correspondence between Sharif Hussain and the British High commissioner in Egypt McMahon The second was the declaration of seven The third is known as the armistice communiqu of November 7, 1918 issued at the end of the war. The Arab troops under Sharif Hussain liberated Makkah, and all Hejaz with the exception of Medina They also liberated Damascus, Homs Aleppo, and Beirut from the Ottomans occupation The Arab sacrifices on the side of the allied forces were staggering Besides the innumerable Arab casualties on the war front, some 300,000 Syrians alone perished during the deva stating famine of 1916.Yet another agreement known as Skyes-Pycot agreement April 1916 , was secretly signed between Britain, France and Russia that stipulated division of conquered Arab lands between the allied partners This secret agreement was the basis on which the British and France divided the Arab liberated lands between themselves. In 1921, in a brazen contravention of their pledges held out to Arabs, the Allied Supreme Council constituted in the aftermath of the war, gave away the Arab lands retaken from the Ottomans, to Great Britain and France Thus Iraq and Palestine were placed under British domination, and France took control of Syria and Lebanon. With the downfall of the Ottoman Sultanate after Turks defeat in the World War I, the Arabs waited for the attainment of their sovereignty and independence as promised by the British government But instead of getting their lands, the Arabs were placed under the Western colonisation instead of the Ottoman type of colonialism. That ma l-treatment of a trusted ally which helped Allied forces on war front in a huge manner is historically known as a treacherous betrayal by the Britain joined by France The post-war settlement of Arab lands left the Arabs with feeling of deep-seated grievances and a permanent scar of British betrayal. As if to rub salt to the Arab wounds, simultaneously in November 1917, the British government unfurled the Belfour Declaration that promised the Jews a national home in Palestine, primarily an Arab land with 90 percent Muslim population. The Britain had no moral compunctions or qualms in ditching Arabs in such an audacious and outright dishonourable manner that later resulted in the Palestinian struggle for their national independence that continues to this day, hedged and torpedoed by the British, United States and the pro-Israel regimes. But this does not exhaust the saga of British hypocrisy and betrayal There is another story that highlights how the imperialist powers with Britain in lead had been conspiring and flexing their muscles to impede and stop the emergence of national states in the Middle East One such story is about Egypt. Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 Despite renunciation of her protectorate rule of Egypt in 1922 Britain still had many rights in that country King Farouk, a protg of British was deposed in July 23, 1952 by a group of young officer led by General Najeeb later replaced by Lt Colonel Gamal Abdel-Nasser. As soon Col Nasser took over the government, US withdrew the offer to finance the Aswan dam Six days later Colonel Nasser announced nationalisation of the Suez Canal On October 29, the Israeli forces invaded Egypt That was followed by Anglo-French air operations Despite immediate resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, ordering the three aggressors to withdraw their troops they did not comply with this for several months. It is the same British devious mentality of fostering autocrats and monarchs and mercenaries, to serve their overseas vested interests, mostly economic imperialism They willfully violate the solemn agreements and then justify them too They launch unprovoked attacks on the weaker nations as they did in case of Egypt in 1956 and do not wink their eyes. The people s fundamental rights or democracy or freedom do not matter for these imperial powers as we can see in the lukewarm and scant expression of sympathy and support by two tall leaders of the leading parliamentary democracy for the oppressed people of Egypt protesting against a heartless dictator This is what is happening now The skewed statements of these two stalwarts of the British monarchy are despicably self-evident. Post navigation. Interview with political observer at the English language Pakistani News International newspaper Ahmed Quraishi. There are a lot of reports on the Raymond Davis case Do you see any speedy solutions of this issue now. Chances for a speedy solution may not exist now because yesterday there was a meeting between the three top leaders of the country the army chief, the prime minister and the president and they agreed to let the Pakistani court deal with Raymond Davis As for a speedy resolution that the US State Department has been requesting to release Mr Davis will not be possible now The full procedure of the law will take place before any resolution is found for this case. Some believe that Pakistan is thus walking a tightrope because it may infuriate Washington. It is a very-very tight rope You cannot even begin to imagine this We have an elected government in Pakistan whose president and interior minister are on record, according to US cables leaked by the WikiLeaks website They ve been telling the US ambassador and US officials here that this elected government really relies on Washington s support and protection against local opponents and the strong Pakistani military We have a government here in Islamabad that is completely dependent on Washington and now that it is facing this kind of a situation , it is trying its best to get Mr Raymond Davis released Initially, they try to put forward this excuse that he held a diplomatic passport and there is no other option but to release him But unfortunately, other departments within their own government, for example the foreign Ministry, were completely against releasing Mr Davis, and of course the Pakistani public opinion in the media also came down heavily on this elected government This government, although it did not want to do this, it had no other option but to let the legal process take its course It is a very difficult situation for this government in front of their strong supporters in Washington It is a very tough situation. There were reports about the growing anti-American feelings Some of them said the crowd was ready to encircle the presidential palace and the US embassy Do you think there can be some eruptions of more demonstrations. The demonstrations are taking place regularly Yesterday, a press conference at the location where Mr Davis killed three Pakistanis was held by the families of those killed They reveled for the first time that the Pakistani government and the US embassy here offered them green cards and a lot of money, that they refused the offer and that there was a lot of pressure on them to pardon Mr Davis And, of course, there have been demonstrations that you mentioned every day ever since it all happened almost 6 days ago I think the Pakistani public opinion is satisfied for now that the legal court is taking place and the Pakistani government will not somehow smuggle Mr Davis out of the country as the US embassy is demanding But if the Pakistani government takes the decision and tries to avoid a legal process and release this gentleman, there will be a huge problem For the first time the Pakistani commentators say that if that happens, it might spark protests in Pakistan similar to those you witness in other Middle Eastern countries, like Egypt. Is the judicial community firm enough to o ppose the American pressure. Yes for the first time in maybe 40 or 50 years we have a judicial set that is very strong and confident and yes, it can stand up to foreign pressure, more than the Pakistani political elite and the military. US intelligence agencies are drawing criticism from the Oval Office and Capitol Hill for their failure to detect signs of unrest in the Islamic world and warn in advance of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia. US President Barack Obama sent a letter to the National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, saying he was disappointed with the intelligence community over its failure to predict the outbreak of demonstrations that would lead to the ouster of President Zain al-Abedin in Tunisia According to a US official familiar with such exchanges, which were expressed to Clapper through White House staff, there was little warning before Egypt s riots as well Top senators on the Intelligence Committee are asking when the president was briefed and what he was tol d before the popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia The committee s chairwoman, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, said These events should not have come upon us with the surprise that they did She said there should have been much more warning of the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, in part because protestors were using the Internet and social media to organize The American senator asked Was someone looking at what was going on the Internet Earlier, top CIA official Stephanie O Sullivan told senators that Obama was warned of instability in Egypt at the end of last year She spoke during a confirmation hearing to become the deputy director of national intelligence, the No 2 official to Clapper The leading Republican on the committee, Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, asked for a written record of the timetable of Obama s intelligence briefings It s due to the committee in 10 days However, the White House publicly rejected charges that intelligence agencies underperformed on Tunisia an d said the intelligence community warned the president that Tunisia s protests could inspire others As it seems, the US intelligence has been unable over the past decades to predict upheavals in different parts of the world Over three decades ago, the CIA couldn t properly asses the firmness of the resolve of the Iranian people against the US-backed Pahlavi puppet regime At the time, the US lost one of its key allies in the region In the aftermath of the resounding triumph of the Islamic Revolution, American officials claimed an improved status of intelligence regarding the international issues, especially vis--vis developments in the Middle East However, the current upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt again caught the Americans off guard, and showed how weak the US is, even regarding the intelligence system The ground realities show that the US was blindly dependent on its clients in the region and any voice of opposition against these dictators was considered terrorist activities US obser vers thus lost the chance to study the culture and religion of the Islamic world, the two vital factors behind political and social developments. T he United States threatened to take military action against China during a secret Star Wars arms race within the past few years, according to Leaked documents obtained by The Daily Telegraph The two nuclear superpowers both shot down their own satellites using sophisticated missiles in separate show of strength, the files suggest The American Government was so incensed by Chinese actions in space that it privately warned Beijing it would face military action if it did not desist The Chinese carried out further tests as recently as last year, however, leading to further protests from Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, secret documents show Beijing justified its actions by accusing the Americans of developing an offensive laser weapon system that would have the capability of destroying missiles before they left enemy territory The dis closures are contained in the latest documents obtained by the Wikileaks website, which have been released to The Telegraph They detail the private fears of both superpowers as they sought mastery of the new military frontier The star wars arms race was began in January 2007 when China shocked the White House by shooting down one of its weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth The strike, which resulted in thousands of pieces of debris orbiting the earth, raised fears that the Chinese had the power to cause chaos by destroying US military and civilian satellites In February 2008, America launched its own test strike to destroy a malfunctioning American satellite, which demonstrated to the Chinese it also had the capability to strike in space America stated at the time that the strike was not a military test but a necessary mission to remove a faulty spy satellite The leaked documents appear to show its true intentions One month before the strike, the US criticised Beijing for launch ing its own anti-satellite test , noting The United States has not conducted an anti-satellite test since 1985 In a formal diplomatic protest, officials working for Condoleezza Rice, the then secretary of state, told Beijing A Chinese attack on a satellite using a weapon launched by a ballistic missile threatens to destroy space systems that the United States and other nations use for commerce and national security Destroying satellites endangers people The warning continued Any purposeful interference with US space systems will be interpreted by the United States as an infringement of its rights and considered an escalation in a crisis or conflict The United States reserves the right, consistent with the UN Charter and international law, to defend and protect its space systems with a wide range of options, from diplomatic to military The Chinese strike in 2007 was highly controversial, prompting criticism from other nations and claims that it marked a revival of President Reagan s Sta r Wars programme, that was abandoned in the 1980s A month after the Chinese strike, America shot down one of its own satellites, ostensibly to stop it returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard The Chinese did not believe the explanation In secret dispatches, US officials indicated that the strike was, in fact, military in nature Immediately after the US Navy missile destroyed the satellite, the American Embassy in China received direct confirmation of the results of the anti-satellite test from the US military command in the Pacific, according to a secret memo The strike marked the high point of tensions between Washington and Beijing over the issue of ballistic missile defence The cables show that China was deeply concerned about America s plans to place missile defence radars in Japan Another document discloses that the US was allegedly developing an airborne laser system to counter the threat from Chinese military build up The Chinese government was said to be angry about the US satellite exercise in February 2008 For months after the US strike, the two countries engaged in tense talks over the issue At a summit on defence in June 2008, the American delegation told the Chinese that Washington did not regard China as an enemy China replied that it saw the two powers as neither allies nor adversaries The Chinese assistant foreign minister complained that the US missile defence programme was not simply defensive but also offensive because it includes lasers that attack a missile in launch phase over the sovereign territory of the launching country The most recent cable in the collection was sent from the office of Mrs Clinton in January 2010 It claimed that US intelligence detected that China had launched a fresh anti-satellite missile test Crucially, Washington wanted to keep secret its knowledge that the missile test was linked to China s previous space strikes The cable, marked secret said the Chinese army had sent an SC-19 missil e that successfully destroyed a CSS-X-11 missile about 150 miles above the Earth This test is assessed to have furthered both Chinese ASAT anti-satellite and ballistic missile defense technologies, stated the memo to the US embassy in Beijing Mrs Clinton s cable stressed that the Obama administration retained the Bush-era concerns over Chinese space weapon plans There is growing concern over the potential for nuclear states or terrorists to attack western countries using space Last September, Dr Liam Fox, the Defence Secretary, warned that rogue countries or terrorist groups could wipe out electronic systems by producing an electromagnetic pulse through a nuclear explosion high above the Earth On Wednesday night, a Pentagon spokesman said The President s June 2010 National Space Policy requires the Dept of Defense DoD to have a range of options and capabilities Our overriding objective is to promote the peaceful use of space The United States did not engage our own satellite to test or demonstrate an anti-satellite ASAT capability The purpose was to prevent the satellite s hydrazine fuel from causing potential harm to life on the ground To conduct this engagement, we had to make modifications to three sea-based missile defense interceptors, three ships, and the system s command and control software We have not made these modifications to any other missile defense system, nor do we plan to Our missile defense systems are not intended or designed to engage satellites. T he time has come to expose Indian duplicity, unmask its terrible crimes against humanity, and show the world its true hideous face Let us resolve this February 5th that before the next Solidarity Day for the Kashmiris, we would see an end to their misery, rape and torture and the right of self determination of the Kashmiris would be exercised and they would stand vindicated and take their rightful place in the comity of nations Insha Allah. By Mamoona Ali Kazmi. The people of Pakistan and Kashmir observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th February every year to demonstrate their support for the right of self-determination for the people of Indian occupied Kashmir They conduct seminars and rallies, observe a minute s silence and form Human chains along the roads and on bridges that connect Pakistan with Azad Kashmir The Solidarity Day reaffirms Pakistan s pledge to the people of Kashmir that she will not leave them alone in their just struggle against atrocities committed by the Indian occupational forces Observance of Solidarity Day on 5th February is a proof of Pakistan s continued support to Kashmiri cause Recently, the government of Azad Kashmir has decided to observe 2011 as the year of right of self-determination of Kashmiris living across the Line of Control Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international dispute in the world today The Kashmir issue is the result of unjust partition and thus recognised as a disputed territory by the international community India claims right ov er the territory due to the signing of a dubious Instrument of Accession with the Maharaja The International Commission of Jurists ICJ , based in Geneva passed a resolution in 1993, which proclaimed Kashmir s accession to India as bogus and null and void India has never produced original copy of the Instrument of Accession on an international forum In 1995 the Indian authorities reported that the original document was lost or stolen All this creates doubts whether the Maharaja has ever signed an Instrument of Accession or not If promises are made to be broken, then Kashmir may be summoned to prove this saying Broken promises haunt Kashmir s history, and explain its tragedy On 21st April 1948 Security Council passed a resolution, which called for a fair and free plebiscite in Kashmir Indian Prime Minister Nehru promised to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir On 2nd November 1947, Prime Minister Nehru reiterated We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people That pledge we have given and the Maharaja supported it, not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world We will not and cannot back out of it The promise however, was never fulfilled India thwarted all attempts by the UN to hold a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir It forcibly occupied Kashmir by her security forces that remained engaged in committing human rights violation for more than 60 years In the recent past, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pervez Musharraf agreed at the United Nations on 24th September 2004 to explore all the possible options to settle the issue of Kashmir Then exactly one year later Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said at the United Nations on 16th September 2005 What I do believe, I have also said that borders cannot be redrawn but we must work together to make borders irrelevant It is hard to understand how can you explore all possible options when the only option available is to make borders irrelevant status quo For Pakistan without the earlier resolution of Kashmir issue peace, security and development cannot be ensured in the region Former President Musharraf proposed several options on Kashmir dispute based on territorial changes, which he called food for thought on 24th October, 2004 The suggestions, which were bold for any Pakistani leader to make on such a sensitive issue, met with muted response in Delhi Similarly, the Indian government rejected President Musharraf s suggestion of demilitarization of three cities, Baramullah, Kupwara and Srinagar of Jammu and Kashmir, in December 2005 In December 2006 in an interview with the Indian channel NDTV, former President Musharraf unveiled a four-point solution and declared that Pakistan was ready to discuss the issue beyond the parameters of its old demand for plebiscite in Kashmir and the basis provided by the UN resolutions if India, also left its stated positions The four-point solution provide Kashmir will have the same borders but people will be allowed to move freely i n the region, the region will have self governance for autonomy but not independence, troops will be withdrawn from the region in a staggered manner, and a joint supervision mechanism will be set up with India, Pakistan and Kashmir representatives This offer of the President also failed to evoke any official response from the Indian side Instead of giving them their right to self-determination, India has employed various techniques such as black laws, POTA, TADA and AFSPA to crush the Kashmiri Liberation movement since 1989 Currently, 700,000 military and paramilitary troops are deployed in occupied Kashmir and are involved in gruesome human rights violations Torture, rape, plunder, abduction, arson, custodial disappearances, arbitrary detentions, and ruthless suppression of peaceful political dissent have become commonplaces The Indian occupational forces have killed more than 92,150 innocent Kashmiris 38,450 people have been rendered disabled or crippled for life and 30,000 women hav e been raped and molested In the words of Lord Eric Avebury, Chairman, British Parliamentary Human Rights Group The atrocities committed by Indian imperialists in occupied Kashmir surpass brutalities of apartheid regime in South Africa or of Nazis 50 years ago The condition of Kashmiris detained in different jails of the occupied Kashmir is worse than that of those in Abu Gharib prison in Iraq Arundhati Roy, a well respected Indian writer said The biggest myth of all times is that India is a democracy In reality, it is not Several states in India are on the verge of civil war In the Kashmir valley alone, some 80,000 people have been killed In Iraq, there are 150,000 military personnel whereas in Kashmir valley there are some 700,000 Pakistan believes that a just and lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute can only be found through a process of dialogue and engagement For this reason, Pakistan always initiated a dialogue with India for the solution of Kashmir dispute Pakistan believes t hat for peace process, it is essential that Indian armed forces must stop violations of human rights in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir Despite all sincere efforts by Pakistan government to resolve the long lasting dispute, India has not shown flexibility in this regard All this reflects that India is not willing to solve Kashmir dispute and end the sufferings of the Kashmiri people Instead it wants to strengthen its hold over the valley On the Solidarity Day, India needs to understand that it would no longer be able to keep Kashmiris under its occupation It s time that she should adopt a flexible attitude to solve the Kashmir dispute at the earliest. D avid Cameron, the newly elected British prime minister and the former British prime minister Tony Blair appeared utterly hypocritical while expressing their views about the current volatile situation in Egypt David was talking to Fareed Zakaria, the CNN anchor of GPS programme and Tony Blair with CNN anchor Piers Morgan Both were asked how they looked at the historic uprising of the Egyptian people against the three decades of tyrannical and despotic rule of Hosni Mubarak. By Saeed Qureshi. Cameron was babbling about the process of transition over a period of time which is what the standpoint of the disgraced and besieged president of Egypt This conservative prime minister whose parliament is known as the mother of all the parliaments and Britain being the first parliamentary democracy seemed averse to the idea of Mubarak immediately stepping down as demanded by his countrymen in their unprecedented demonstrations He was implicitly trying to shield Mubarak whom the people of Egypt perceive as a devil and have absolutely rejected him. Tony Blair, a submissive pal of George W Bush was repeating the same logic with nonstop blurry and fuzzy rhetoric, as was earlier dished out by the sitting prime minster None of these two guys categorically called for the resignation of Hosni Mubarak or spoke candidly about the people of Egyp t who were demanding democracy, equality, social freedom, and fundamental human rights The protestors are venting their seething anger against the grinding poverty, a culture of rampant corruption, police cruelty, repression and torture. The convoluted logic of these leading British political luminaries, clearly demonstrated their double standards as they want a civil and humane society in their own country but not in Egypt because it was ruled by an individual who was serving the paramount interests of Israel and other protectors of the Jewish state including Britain than their own people. This British duplicity and hypocrisy has its precedence in the past history of relations between the Arabs and the Anglo-British imperialism The British government persuaded Sharif Hussain of Makkah, the Arab spiritual leader of Muslims not to endorse the proclamation of Jihad by the Ottoman caliphate against the allied forces and also made him agree to fight against the Ottomans along with the allied forces The Turkish forces were fighting against the imperialist forces as an ally of Germany. Sharif Hussain was assured that in case of allied victory, all the Arab lands that were under the Ottoman occupation would be returned to Arabs This assurance was given to Sharif Hussain through three separate commitments The first was the correspondence between Sharif Hussain and the British High commissioner in Egypt McMahon The second was the declaration of seven The third is known as the armistice communiqu of November 7, 1918 issued at the end of the war. The Arab troops under Sharif Hussain liberated Makkah, and all Hejaz with the exception of Medina They also liberated Damascus, Homs Aleppo, and Beirut from the Ottomans occupation The Arab sacrifices on the side of the allied forces were staggering Besides the innumerable Arab casualties on the war front, some 300,000 Syrians alone perished during the devastating famine of 1916.Yet another agreement known as Skyes-Pycot agreement April 1 916 , was secretly signed between Britain, France and Russia that stipulated division of conquered Arab lands between the allied partners This secret agreement was the basis on which the British and France divided the Arab liberated lands between themselves. In 1921, in a brazen contravention of their pledges held out to Arabs, the Allied Supreme Council constituted in the aftermath of the war, gave away the Arab lands retaken from the Ottomans, to Great Britain and France Thus Iraq and Palestine were placed under British domination, and France took control of Syria and Lebanon. With the downfall of the Ottoman Sultanate after Turks defeat in the World War I, the Arabs waited for the attainment of their sovereignty and independence as promised by the British government But instead of getting their lands, the Arabs were placed under the Western colonisation instead of the Ottoman type of colonialism. That mal-treatment of a trusted ally which helped Allied forces on war front in a huge man ner is historically known as a treacherous betrayal by the Britain joined by France The post-war settlement of Arab lands left the Arabs with feeling of deep-seated grievances and a permanent scar of British betrayal. As if to rub salt to the Arab wounds, simultaneously in November 1917, the British government unfurled the Belfour Declaration that promised the Jews a national home in Palestine, primarily an Arab land with 90 percent Muslim population. The Britain had no moral compunctions or qualms in ditching Arabs in such an audacious and outright dishonourable manner that later resulted in the Palestinian struggle for their national independence that continues to this day, hedged and torpedoed by the British, United States and the pro-Israel regimes. But this does not exhaust the saga of British hypocrisy and betrayal There is another story that highlights how the imperialist powers with Britain in lead had been conspiring and flexing their muscles to impede and stop the emergence of n ational states in the Middle East One such story is about Egypt. Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 Despite renunciation of her protectorate rule of Egypt in 1922 Britain still had many rights in that country King Farouk, a protg of British was deposed in July 23, 1952 by a group of young officer led by General Najeeb later replaced by Lt Colonel Gamal Abdel-Nasser. As soon Col Nasser took over the government, US withdrew the offer to finance the Aswan dam Six days later Colonel Nasser announced nationalisation of the Suez Canal On October 29, the Israeli forces invaded Egypt That was followed by Anglo-French air operations Despite immediate resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, ordering the three aggressors to withdraw their troops they did not comply with this for several months. It is the same British devious mentality of fostering autocrats and monarchs and mercenaries, to serve their overseas vested interests, mostly economic imperialism They willfully violate the solemn agr eements and then justify them too They launch unprovoked attacks on the weaker nations as they did in case of Egypt in 1956 and do not wink their eyes. The people s fundamental rights or democracy or freedom do not matter for these imperial powers as we can see in the lukewarm and scant expression of sympathy and support by two tall leaders of the leading parliamentary democracy for the oppressed people of Egypt protesting against a heartless dictator This is what is happening now The skewed statements of these two stalwarts of the British monarchy are despicably self-evident. Post navigation.